Lady Luck Wreck Aug 16th

Lady Luck Wreck (126')

The Lady Luck is one of the newer ship wrecks in Pompano Beach suck July 23, 2016. She is 324 ft. long, 50 ft wide. She has been changed into an underwater casino with dealers that are octopus, slot machines and card sharks. Sit at a card table and play a hand with them. Swim among larger than life dice stacks and explore this revamped tanker. Look for the mermaid waitress, fish working the ropes, and starfish that are 4-5' wide. We have Pompano Beach artist Dennis MacDonald to thank for all the artistic life on board. The Lady Luck wreck was donated as a dive site from the generousity of the Isle Casino Racing and the City of Pompano Beach about 1 ½ miles offshore.

12:15 am check in. 

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Lady Luck Wreck Aug 16th

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